13 Habits to a Well-Balanced Mom Life While Working Full Time

13 Habits to a Well-Balanced Mom Life While Working Full Time

Motherhood is HARD. We are the homekeeper, the cook, the chauffeur, the planner, the organizer, the doctor who fixes all boo-boos, and the list goes on and on for the role moms have to play. On top of that, we have to take care of ourselves and have a social life. It can be exhausting mentally, physically, and emotionally. So, to make life easier for you, I am here to give you 13 habits for you to do to be a well-balanced mom while working full time. 

13 Habits to a Well-Balanced Mom Life While Working Full Time

Sunday is the day that I usually prep everything for the week, and I know what you are thinking…a stay-at-home mom is writing about how full-time working moms can create habits that will make their work week less stressful. A year ago, I was still working full time, and the stress of tending to my home, being a present mama, being a current wife, and having a social life, all while taking care of myself, still haunts me.

I see you, mama, and I want you to know that YOU ARE KILLING IT!!

I wanted to help you make your life less stressful. There is so much beauty in being a mother, and I never want you to see those blessings as burdens during this crazy season of your life. I want you to enjoy coming home from work and hanging out with the family. I like your weekends to be less busy, relaxing and family-oriented. These little humans are only little for so long, so I want you to enjoy these moments with them. So, let’s dive into it, shall we… Let’s be honest. We only have a little time to read blog posts like these until someone (including our husbands) needs our attention. 

For the mom

Have you ever seen the TV Show Schitt’s Creek where Moira Rose says to David,

“If airplane safety videos have taught me anything, David, it’s that a mother puts her own mask on first.”

You know..she is kind of not wrong. In order to be a good and intentional mom we must take care of ourselves first. We must fill our cups first because if we go straight into serving others then we get will get burnt out and that is the last thing that we want to do.

13 Habits to a Well-Balanced Mom Life While Working Full Time

1. Morning Routine

I know you hear this a THOUSAND TIMES, but I am telling you..get a morning routine that is JUST FOR YOU. You have so many people that need you attention that you deserve to have at least 10-20 minutes for yourself in the morning. My morning routine looks the same every morning. (The times change because it depends if I wake up before the kids or if the kids wake me up. Either way I make sure that I get these moments to myself first thing in the morning.)

  • Wake up
  • Take my apple cider vinegar gummy and chug my greens drink.
  • Grab a coffee from the coffee pot that I had prepped the night before and go to my corner of the couch where I read my devotional, do my morning prayers and journal and GRATITUDE. Always give prays to the blessings that you have.
  • Then depending on if the kids are up or not, I will walk 10 minutes in the morning, do a quick workout, or do just some light stretching. I do whatever my body is telling me to do. As moms we are constantly running after kids throughout our day, so I don’t stress too much on the type of workout I do. I just want to move my body just for myself in the morning.

Thats it…it is something quick. It’s something easy and it is something that is just for me. Having a morning routine will get you in the right mind set for the day. It will help you feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. It is just knowing you had time to take care of yourself before you have to take care of others.

2. Selfcare Sunday

Give yourself one hour. Tell the hubby to handle the kids for just one hour so you can take a bath, read a book, pray, meditate, workout, write out your to do list, or whatever will fill your cup. Just one day a week give yourself one hour, you deserve a reset. (And so do your husbands but this blog post is about moms. (: )


I know I said this in the first one but write five things you are grateful for. The good Lord blesses you with so many amazing things. Thank him for it. Watch out for your blessings. Even if it is as simple as your family all ate a bowl of cereal together for breakfast. I am always watching out for little things throughout my day to write in my journal for the next morning. God is good and he blesses me with so many amazing little gifts.

4. Prayer Life

If you only remember or stick to one of these tasks and habits, I want you to stick to this one. I would be lying if I said motherhood was easy. It is hard. Sometimes, you are frustrated and want to give up. There are days that your husband just doesn’t get it. There are days when you are on the edge of a breakdown and don’t know what to do. I want you to pray. Something as simple as “Mary, please give me the grace to be a patient and loving mom” or “Jesus, please wrap your loving hands around me and guide me. I need your help.”

God wants to walk with you during motherhood. Motherhood is not made to be done alone. Invite him in. Chat with him, cast all your worries on him. He wants you to invite him into your life. He wants to take all your burdens and stresses. So let him.

Always pray before speaking or lashing out. I know it is sometimes harder to remember, but I strive and work towards this habit daily.

For the Home

5. Make your bed

It is something so little, and it is something that you may not feel like it is important to do but just do it. When I am tired and worn out and mentally exhausted and I just want to crash I love walking into my room and saying to myself “My life was a sh** show today but at least my bed is made.

13 Habits to a Well-Balanced Mom Life While Working Full Time

6. Run that dishwasher daily

I know this is a silly one but run this darn thing daily maybe even twice a day. NO ONE LIKES DOING ENDLESS DISHES. The last thing I want to do at the end of my day is an hour worth of dishes. Throw all the dishes in the dishwasher and start it.

7. Meal Prep

I am home with my kids and I still make Saturday or Sunday my meal prep day. The last thing I want to do during the week is spend hours in the kitchen making a meal. Normally I meal prep at least 3 meals a week for my family. I also make sure I prep snacks and breakfast for the family. The last thing I need is everyone starving and eating junk that does not benefit our bodies.

Needing guidance on what types of meals that you can prep for your family? Check out my most recent blog post linked here!

8. Set weekly and monthly goals for house chores

I no longer set daily goals I only set weekly and monthly goals and sneak them in when I can. Below is all the task that needs to be done around a home. I designated certain chores to certain months, so the house gets the lovin’ that it needs without overwhelming you. I also made a sheet for things that need to be done around the home weekly. Adjust it to what works best for you and your family.

For the Family

9. Pick up at the end of the night

I love waking up to a clean home so the thing that I make sure my family does before the TV gets turned on is that we must pick up our toys and sweep floors. Make it a family activity. Play some fun clean up songs and make it a dance party!

10. Cut off Distractions

Now, I am not telling you this to make you feel bad. I am telling you this because I love you and I want you to be as present and happy as possible with your family.


This one is a hard one. I understand…at the beginning of the year this year I decided to not have social media on my phone and to be honest it was the best decision I have ever made. When I am with my kids, I turn my sound on, I put my phone on the counter, and I make sure I am as present with my kids as possible. I am not as short tempered with my kids, I am happier, less stress, I do not want to shop as much, I am not jealous or envy someone life.

I could not encourage this more. When you get home from work, put your phone away. You only have a couple hours with the kids before you have to start bedtime routine make those hours count.

13 Habits to a Well-Balanced Mom Life While Working Full Time

11. Nighttime Routine

Kids thrive off routine, you thrive off routine. Just have a quick and simple nighttime routine. Our house goes a little something like this.

  • 7:30 put on a 20–30-minute episode of Franklin, Big Bear and the Big Blue House or Little Bear. (These shows are proven to be less stimulating and less addicting!)
  • Eat a snack while watching tv.
  • Nighttime vitamins and put on pajamas.
  • Night prayers
  • Brush teeth
  • Lights out and time for bed!

12. Tackle a Chore or Two Before Bed

Tackle a chore off the list that I created.

13. Set Up for The Next Day

Set up for the next day. Pack your lunch, lay out clothes, pack the diaper bag and place it in the van. Do whatever will make your morning less stressful in the morning.

End In Mind

Just a reminder to keep the end in mind. Remember that this is just a phase in life that will one day be gone. Take these mundane tasks and do them with a smile on your face. I know it is not always easy to do but I remind myself that when my kids look back at their childhood, I want them to remember me as a calm, loving, patient, and present mom. I want them to think of how goofy I was with them. Not how stressed I was that the laundry wasn’t done, or that we had a casserole two nights in a row.

In the book My Daily Bread it says

” My Child it is a sad sight for me to see men and women living disorderly lives. I made them for eternal glory. Little do they realize how harmful it is to neglect their daily duties, or to perform them carelessly. Pay attention to your purpose in life and keep before your mind the image of your crucified King.”

Remember that motherhood is your purpose and to do it with love, grace and patience.

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