10 Reasons On Why You Should Cut Processed Foods Out Of Your Diet

10 Reasons On Why You Should Cut Processed Foods Out Of Your Diet

“Avoid processed foods” and “processed foods are horrible for you”.  We all hear this a lot right?! BUT maybe you just are not sure on what people mean when they say processed foods. I am here to break down what processed foods are and how they are not the best to you. On top of that I am here to help you transform you and your family’s diet to a real food diet. 

10 Reasons On Why You Should Cut Processed Foods Out Of Your Diet

What are processed foods?

There are different types of processed foods.

  • Unprocessed or minimally processed foods are the natural edible foods parts of plants and animals. Minimally processed foods have been slightly altered for the main purpose of preserving but it does not change the nutritional content of the foods.
    • Examples of this includes cleaning and removing inedible or unwanted parts. Grinding, refrigerating, pasteurizing, fermenting, freezing, or vacuum packaging the foods. When you do this to foods it allows the food to be stored for a greater amount of time and remain safe to eat. 
      • Most the time fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, meats, and milk fall into this category. 
  • Processed foods are foods from the previous group that has added salt, sugars, or fats. Some canned items (fruits and vegetables especially) are examples of this. Some other food items that are examples of this is cheese, bread, and canned fish. Processed foods are usually made from at least 2-3 ingredients and can be eaten without further preparation.
  • Ultra-Processed foods are highly processed foods from the list of foods above that incorporate salt, sweeteners and fats that have artificial coloring and flavoring. They are preservatives that promotes shelf stability. In ultra-processed foods there are usually multiple ingredients added to the foods.
    • Ultra-processed foods is designed to specifically increase cravings so that people will overeat them and purchase more. 
    • Ultra-processed foods are mostly always ready to eat with minimal to no preparation.
    • Most the foods tend to be low in fiber and nutrients. 
      • Examples: Sugary drinks, cookies, crackers, chips, breakfast cereals, some frozen dinners, and most lunch meats. 

10 Reasons On Why You Should Cut Processed Foods Out Of Your Diet

Are Processed Foods Bad For You?

There is no doubt that almost everyone has some sort of processed foods in their kitchen cabinets. According to Harvard T.H. Chan about 69% of U.S. adults are overweight or obese. Obesity in children is continually increasing each year.  Why?! Because of the amount of processed foods that people are consuming every day.

Now, not all processed foods are bad for you. I have several canned items that I keep in my pantry at all times due to being a busy mom and needing some type of fruit or vegetable on hand. Usually during the summer, I make it my goal to can as many fruits and vegetables as possible that I purchase from a local food markets. This year my goal is to have my own personal garden and can most of the fruits and vegetables that come from my garden. The reason I do this is because I can control how much salt/ sugar that goes into my canned items.

Now, if you do not have time to can, the grocery stores have some great options for you. 

  • Try to purchase as much raw or fresh products as possible.
    • If you do not have time to prep raw/ fresh produce, then purchase canned items from the store that have only 1 or 2 additives and that are organic. The only issue with this is that normally they have a crazy amount of salt or sugar added into their items. 

The processed foods that we want to stay away from are the ultra-processed foods. This is why most Americans are obese. They do not want to take the time to prep the whole foods. They want quick, cheap and foods that are ready to go in minutes. The downside to these delicious and quick foods are that they are packed full of ingredients that are HORRIBLE for your body.  Now that we have a little background information on processed foods lets jump into why ultra-processed foods are bad for you.

10 Reasons on Why Ultra-Processed Foods are bad for you!

1. Too much sugar, sodium and fats

Ultra-processed foods often include unhealthy levels of added sugars, sodium, and fats. These ingredients make the foods we eat taste better but to much of ultra-processed foods lead to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

2. Lacking Nutritional Values

Heavy processing always strips away their basic nutrients such as their fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

3. Calories Dense and VERY addicting

It is hands down easy to overeat unhealthy foods and consume more calories than we even realize we are consuming. Over processed foods are DESIGNED (did you hear that..people purposely make them this way) to stimulate our brains dopamine center. This makes us crave them MORE in the future.

4. Increased Cancer Risks

Did you know that a study was done on 100,000 people, and it showed that every 10% increase in consuming ultra-processed foods has a higher risk of cancer.

5. Quicker To Digest

ultra-processed foods are easier to digest than unprocessed foods (whole foods). Our bodies burn less energy trying to digest ultra-processed foods. With it being easier to digest and being more calorie dense and more addictive it is easier to pack on the pounds causing people to be obese.

6. Full Of Artificial Ingredients

There are THOUSANDS of substances that get added to our foods. MAJORITY of these foods have never been tested by anyone other than the company that created them. This includes additives to change color, texture, flavor and odor as well as ingredients like preservatives and sweeteners.

7. Cause Mood Swings

So, let’s face it we all get “hangry” when we wait too long to eat, but did you know grabbing for that convenient candy bar or a bag of chips to satisfy that hunger actually takes the mood from bad to worse. Ultra-processed foods increase irritability and aggression.

8. Packed full with chemicals

If you look at the ingredients list on a food label there is a good chance you will not recognize or even be able to pronounce the ingredient on the label. That is because majority of the ingredients are made from artificial chemicals that have been added to enhance the product.

9. Messes with your sleeping

Did you know consuming processed foods can make a good night’s sleep next to impossible? This is because your body is struggling to deal with the sudden spikes and crashes in blood sugar produced from digesting high levels of refined carbohydrates. To keep your insulin levels stable you must stick to whole foods.

10. Clearer Skin

After a big serving of chips or candy you might notice some acne that is starting to pop up the next day. Say goodbye to acne skin and hello to beautiful and youthful skin when you minimize the number of processed foods you take in! When you consume more ultra-processed foods you are more likely to have more breakouts due to the amount of sugar and carbohydrates that are in these foods.

10 Reasons On Why You Should Cut Processed Foods Out Of Your Diet

How To Reduce Processed Foods In Your Diet and Stick to Real Whole Foods

It can be hard to reduce ultra-processed foods from you and your family’s diet. That would mean not eating out at most restaurants, higher grocery bill, and more time prepping and cooking your meals. The reason I created this blog was to help people understand the importance of eating healthy and helping them find ways to make quick, delicious and healthy meals that are not going to make you break the bank.

Below I have listed on the many ways that you can start reducing the number of processed foods that you and your family consume:

  1. Check the label- When it comes to vegetables and fruits, I normally like it to just read the vegetable / fruit that is in there and then maybe 1-2 more ingredients. THATS IT! The longer the ingredients list, the more processed the food is! If there is an ingredient that you cannot pronounce. Do not by it. That means that it is very heavily processed.
    1. For example: green beans I want the ingredients label to say, “Green Beans, Salt”. 
  2. Shop the outside aisles at the grocery store- The center aisles of most grocery stores are full of packaged items and ready-made foods that are very heavily processed. Aim to purchase more foods from the produce and dairy aisles.
  3. Opt for minimally processed meats- Normally what I do for my meats is purchase organic and antibiotic free. I try to purchase them from a local farmer or a butcher shop. I always try to stick to seafoods, chicken breast, ground beef and I try to stay away from sausage, bacon, and other meats that can be highly processed.
  4. Start slowly- It is ok to slowly replace processed foods from your diet with fresh foods. Don’t waste the groceries you have in your pantry. Use up what you have and slowly replace them with fresh foods.
  5. Cook more meals at home- for how much it is a pain to cook meals at home, it is easier to control the foods that you are consuming. I am a big fan of meal prepping. On Sunday I normally prep all my meals that we will be having Monday-Friday along with our snacks. I store them in the freezer and pull them out the day we need them. When you are traveling try to pack healthier snacks.

10 Reasons On Why You Should Cut Processed Foods Out Of Your Diet

Bottom Line

Trying to keep away from ultra-processed foods can be difficult. The goal is to slowly start making the transition to your new healthy lifestyle. If you do it all at once, you will get overwhelmed and quit after a couple of days. Begin with one or two things and go from there. We don’t want this to be a diet, we want this to be a lifestyle!

It is also about balance. It is ok to have a cookie, a piece a cake, or a brownie every once in a while. Do not completely deprive yourself of some of these items. Life is all about balance and living an 80/20 lifestyle. 80 % of the time eat as clean and wholesome as possible and 20% enjoy a little sweet treat with the kids. Teach them how to also balance their eating habits as well!

What action steps will you take towards a healthier lifestyle?! Put it in the comments below!

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